Saturday, August 30, 2008

Run 004: August 30th, 2008, 48:55

Today was a really good - almost like you're flying - kind of run day. I luv these kind of runs... Brought my camera along with, but only managed one pic before my battery died, which was good though cause I didn't feel like stopping...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Run 003: August 27th, 37:55

So I really didn't feel like running today, but some how found the motivation to get out & go. (Motivation = remembering last Woodchuck cider in the fridge.)

I think I need to make another trip to the states... why don't they sell this stuff in Canada? They need to. (If only to help me with my running!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Run 002: August 25th, 38:42

So todays run was much nicer - what a difference the temperature makes! I can't decide which I like better though, early morning or evening runs. They both have there pros & cons. Morning pros: sunrise. birds chirping. less traffic. Morning cons: getting up early. Evening pros: sunset. stress reliever. not having to get up early. Evening Cons: the bugs. smelling BBQ and getting insanely hungry 1/2 way through your run...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Run 001: August 23rd, 55:29

So my first blogged run was a hot one. It's like 33 degrees out there, and I almost melted. To keep my mind off the rising temperature, I thought I'd take my camera with me.

There have been many a run where I wished I had my camera with me.Turns out today was no different - I stumbled upon the pond behind the museum where some waterlilies were in full bloom. I love how the colours are all crazy (NOT photoshopped at all) . Even though it sucks to carry, I think I'll be bringing my camera with me on runs more often...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Run Blog the 1st

So, I'm getting back into this running thing.

I figure, if I say I'll do it, I might do it, but if I write it down, then there's a greater chance it'll work.

A goal is what I need. A race to build towards. Something more substantial than a 5 or 10k, but not as daunting as a full marathon. So... a 1/2 marathon it is. Let the training begin.