Monday, August 25, 2008

Run 002: August 25th, 38:42

So todays run was much nicer - what a difference the temperature makes! I can't decide which I like better though, early morning or evening runs. They both have there pros & cons. Morning pros: sunrise. birds chirping. less traffic. Morning cons: getting up early. Evening pros: sunset. stress reliever. not having to get up early. Evening Cons: the bugs. smelling BBQ and getting insanely hungry 1/2 way through your run...


a d kearney said...

hey where did you snag this shot?

jax553 said...

Harris Park - across the bridge.

Yustinus Patty said...

Hi My name yustinus from Indonesia
you hve good photos, and i love street view.
if you have time please came to my blog

a d kearney said...

i might need to go for a bit of a camera field trip down there... pull a tourist